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December 10, 2015

Ways To Fight Winter Allergies

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Ways to Fight Winter Allergies

I had previously posted an article on the rise in fall allergies. Well believe it or not, they have not stopped there.   Apparently with the winter season being upon us, doesn’t mean the allergies are gone.  We often think of allergies as an issue for the warmer months, but studies show that winter allergies can also leave you itchy and sneezy as dust mites and other allergens can  cause reactions during the winter season.  While it is recommended to ensure you follow regular winter clean air tips for your home.   Here are a few ways to fight winter allergies.

It makes sense to be suffering from allergies during the warmer months when the trees are blooming, but during the winter months when we are stuck inside. The culprits are not the typical tree pollen, but instead is indoor allergens like dust mites and pet dander.

Makes sense. If you are spending more time inside you are going to have more exposure to your pets as usual during the winter months.  Regardless of the trigger, the symptoms and treatments are still the same, itchy water eyes, itchy throat, itchy nose, runny nose, sneezing and congestion.

Here are a few suggestions to help alleviate the suffering.

  • Covers on the mattress, pillows and box spring are available online and can surely make a difference if you’re allergic to the dust mites.
  • Washing linens in hot water can also be helpful.
  • Keep pets off the furniture and bathe them often.
  • Antihistamines can also be helpful, if you take them before you are exposed to the pet dander.

While there is no way to completely rid yourself from allergy suffering. If you are sure your home is not making you sick.  Using these tips can definitely ensure better air quality within your home.  Making the winter season a little more tolerable than usual.

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