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November 12, 2015

Air Duct Cleaning Tips

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Air Duct Cleaning Tips

Now that the cool weather is upon us, you have probably already had to turn on your furnace.  Without the knowledge of some air duct cleaning tips, this means that you have potentially sent millions of particles out into the airways throughout your house too.

You can clean your air ducts any time of year, but it is recommended that this and other tips to a healthier home be added to your winterizing chore list, as your furnace has not be running for quite a few months and has likely collected a disgusting amount of dust and debris.

When turning on the furnace sometimes there is a burning smell lingering in the air or notice dust collecting on the HVAC components or have a stuffy feeling throughout the air. These are tell tale signs that it may be time for your ducts to be cleaned.

Be sure to hire a professional to come in and clean your ducts at least every 5-7 years. Just imagine if you have lived in a house for ten years or more the amount of dust that can accumulate throughout your HVAC system.   This is dust and debris, that once you turn the furnace on is dispersed throughout your home, negatively impacting your indoor air quality.

Even if you are just moving into a recently constructed home. Don’t think that because the home is new that there is no accumulation in your ducts.  There may be a lot of dust and debris left in the vents that were not cleaned prior to you moving in, so although it may look brand new, you may still want to have your ducts cleaned in order to ensure the air circulating through your home is just as clean as the rest of it.

It is best to hire a NADCA certified air duct cleaning technician to do a thorough cleaning. This coupled with a third party filtration system can greatly improve your indoor air quality.  Following these air duct cleaning tips and other air quality improvement tips are the first step in protecting the health and comfort of your loved ones.

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