Our homes play a critical role in our overall health and well-being, while the air we breathe is vital to our existence. With research showing that we are now spending more and more time indoors than ever before, it goes without saying that we should …
Helpful Tips to Sleep Better During Allergy Season Although in most parts of the country the weather is not reflective of the season yet…spring has already sprung! The spring season officially made its debut on March 20th, and with it came the promise of longer …
Spring Clean: Reduce Chemicals and Pollutants in Your Home These days, homeowners are getting smarter and more informed. Over the years, we have become well versed in asking educated questions about the products and materials we bring into our home environments which may cause pollutants to …
Know Your Risk Factors: How Clean Air Can Help Prevent Lung Cancer Breathe deep! Is the air you are breathing clean? Is it free from harmful contaminants or carcinogens? Not everyone who is diagnosed with lung cancer is a smoker, and although that small, nicotine …
As humans, we consume more air than any other substance we put into our bodies. There’s an old saying that people can go roughly three weeks without consuming food, we can go roughly three days without consuming water, but only about three minutes without breathing …
Does Your Home Have Sick Building Syndrome?
Mold surrounds us everywhere in nature. It is a naturally occuring organism that plays an important role in our environment. These tiny spores are small enough and light enough to float. Eventually, these mold spores will make their way into our homes, where they settle and …
If you have a mold contamination in your home or office, there is good news. Small mold contamination’s (less than 10 square feet in overall size) can be cleaned on your own with common household products. Before you attempt to clean mold using any of …
Although vinegar is great for killing mold, it is not a guarantee. Vinegar can only kill about 80% of known mold species. In order to determine if your mold type can be killed, and if it is non toxic, a professional mold test is required. …
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