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August 13, 2014

How to Keep Your Bathroom Mold Free

One of the areas in your home where the conditions for black mold growth are at their best, is without a doubt your bathroom. This moisture filled room is exceptionally great for mold to thrive, because all the elements that mold needs to grow come together in high frequency.

In this place meant for personal hygiene, the last thing you want to be confronted with, is this nasty black substance. For this reason we composed this guide, which will help you remove bathroom mold and prevent further growth.


What Causes Black Mold in Bathrooms?

bathroom air qualityBlack mold often occurs in poorly ventilated bathrooms which haven’t been cleaned on a regular basis, which lead to optimum conditions for mold growth. Their are 5 specific elements that need to be present for black mold to grow: mold spores, a food source, a place to grow, a source of moisture and oxygen.

Next to these necessary elements, there are some factors that increase the growth of mold, namely: adequate heat, high humidity, sufficient time and minimal light.

When you look at the factors listed above you will notice that a bathroom meets all the required aspects for mold to grow and even meets all the factors that increase its growth substantially.


Bathroom Mold Removal and Prevention Guides

Black mold actually can grow in almost all areas in your bathroom, simply because the conditions are often optimal for mold to grow. To help you remove black mold from your bathroom and prevent it from coming back, check out this mold removal guide which uses common household products. You can further increase your mold prevention by choose the correct mold-proof materials for your bathroom.

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